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Day 157 “Wide open spaces!”

Hana with her ball!
Hana with her ball!

I need to forewarn everyone, I have lots of driving coming up in the Northwest, along with seeing some friends in the area. So, my days might be quite busy and my writing may not be as ‘plentiful’.  I know I am making up excuses!  Yesterday I was in Missoula, Montana and went to a game with my friend, Brian, and his daughter, Hana. The goal at the game was to get Hana a game ball and I am happy to report that she did get one. She was very focused on where all the foul balls were hit. The catcher in the Osprey bullpen had retrieved one when he was warming up a pitcher and when the inning ended, Hana was right there hoping he would flip it to her.

The game started late with lots of hits and runs; thus, got done a little late.  After the game Brian wanted to grab a bite to eat at his favorite place which had great burgers.  I had a six-plus hour drive to Yakima, Washington last night and today. I needed to stop at Sprint to get a new phone and update my WiFi. It was painful to spend the money on the phone, but my other one was beginning to have issues.

Being in the Northwest I am understanding the phrase, “wide open spaces”. At times it is overwhelming, making me feel very vulnerable and wishing that I had company on the trip.  After we ate, I drove about two hours last night and on the open road, it was very dark. I knew I was driving up mountain ranges but didn’t have a very good feel for what I was “not” seeing.  I pulled into a rest area and set up my car. I had no reception with my phone so I couldn’t check my messages. It is times like this when I feel very exposed. I don’t know why that is, but could be the fear of the unknown. I still have a lot of “kid” in me and at times need some reassurance, which I know that sounds goofy.  However, I know that a lot of people, no matter the age, have moments like these.  When I woke-up in the morning and got out of the car, I was greeted to a beautiful scene. I was in a mountain valley with a river and green trees everywhere.

I drove into Spokane, Washington where I dealt with my phone issues and then headed towards Yakima. I was listening to “Moneyball”, a CD book.  I have read numerous baseball books on this trip and just finished the book on Roberto Clemente. My goal this entire trip has been to turn off the noise of everything else and just become engrossed about everything baseball.  I am learning so much about all the different aspects of the game beyond the game being played on the field.  Also, I can say, now that I made it to Washington, I have been to all different regions of the United States in my life (besides Hawaii and Alaska). I was very surprised at how barren and dry eastern Washington is. I expected it to be green and lush. I am told that Seattle will be and I will be in Seattle tomorrow to see for myself.  I am excited about getting a tour of the Starbucks headquarters from Ka Bao Lee, a summer intern with the company; and, someone I used to work with!

I have to stop for now. I will be on the radio again tonight and a little unnerving since it is live. However, I have done it a few times so I am getting used to it.  I also finished up another TV interview.  I haven’t posted all the interviews on Facebook; even though,  I have posted quite a few and I am shocked that people actually watch them.  I kind of feel self-absorbed for posting them all the time. I would be lying if I said, “That it hasn’t been fun.” But, I am sure it can get old for all of you.

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